Connect Nepali Domain With Blogger

Today`s post is focused on a Question"How to connect Free Nepali Domain on Blogger? "

Having Free Domain Focused on a country is Pretty Cool.Yes, that is Cool. Free Domain with Nepali TLD is Free. It is Provided By Mercantile CommunicationsYou can Simply Register Your Domain over this Site

Blogging Platform makes you Easy to Share Your Content, Ideas Over the Internet. At First, You should create Your Blog Going on Blogger Official Site and Simply Point Your Free Domain on Blogger.

So, Today I am making you learn about associating your domain to blog. All You Gotta do is follow some Steps Below

  1. Create Your Blog on Blogger first
  2. Create Your account On 
  3. Choose Your Domain [ Read Rules for domain Registration ]
  4. Add Name Servers as,
  5. Create Your account On  it is free DNS manager  
  6. Add Your Website On and You will be able to manage DNS easily if there is no any Broken link Sign.
After you've purchased your custom domain, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to your blog and click on Basics under the Settings tab. In the "Publishing" section, click the link to add a custom domain.
  2. Type the url of the domain you've purchased, keeping in mind that it must begin with www in order to work.
  3. Click Save.
  5. You should see an error, and two CNAMEs listed below. Each CNAME is composed of two parts - Name, Label or Host and Destination, Target or Points to. The first CNAME is the same for everyone, Name being "www" and Destination"" The second CNAME is particular to your blog and your Google Account and is therefore different for each person.
  7. Click Manage On Your domain and you will be able to see subdomains
  8. Click Add at Top of Domain Sections
  9. Change Type to CNAME and add www to Subdomain and to destination
  10. Save It and Again click Add and change type to CNAME
  11. This Time all You need to Do is  Add NameLabel, or Host field from blogger to Sub Domain and DestinationTarget, or Points To field  to Destination
  12.  Don`t use Double time
  13.  Add these destinations as Optional on Your domain under type A and Leaving sub Domain Blank'

Don`t Forget to Tick on Redirect to on Your Blogger 

That Was Tough Work and Hard To Understand

After This Wait For Some hour to take an Effect, After that You will be able to See your Website That’s it! Your address will soon redirect to your new custom domain -- be patient, as it might take up to 24 hours for the redirect to start working. If you're still seeing an error after 24 hours, it means your settings weren't entered correctly and you should try the process a second time. or Contact Me

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