What Bloggers Expect from Blogger Platform ?

People blogging on blogger Platform are Increasing but  Features required for  Smooth Blogging are not being Introduced. So in this post, I am going to talk about some topics like "What Blogger Should Introduce for Blogs"?

What Bloggers Expect from Blogging Platform

Blogging has been one of the most accessible services worldwide. Different Companies are also hosting their website Under Blogger. Nowadays People are Using Blogger as Helping Site where People get some Useful Thing, not as Old Blogger where People Post only their Feelings which is not useful to anyone at all. Today`s Situation of Blogger is Like Of Old One but People are Changed. They are Developing New Tools and Widgets that are Related to HTML/CSS & JavaScript.

As People Changes,Blogger.com also Should be Changed With New Features.

Every blogger Expect features that are Helpful for their Blog/Website. So, Here are Some Features that Should be Introduced in Blogger.com that brings Happiness for all Bloggers.

Coming Up to Design, Blogger has no Relation with Design because it Gives us already Template Option where we can Change Design as We want. But,  I expect Blogger to Have Page Template On Various Options like Full Width, Sidebar Align. And That`s It. If You are Blogger and Expect Something On blogger.co Do Comment Below

Coming Up to Security, we all are Familiar With Guest Post You can add Some Author on Your Blog for Posting. But there is Problem of Being Seen Other Authors Post`s Page Views which is So not Protected.Blogger.com should Introduce Some More Options on Authors like Editor, Manager,e.t.c as Facebook has. There Should be Change in Post Privacy too

Permalinks:- You might have Seen URL`s of Blog where is Only one type of Permalinks, I hope to have more permalinks Options.

Smart Phones are most Used Devices to access Website. There is a Blogger Application for Your Android Phone.But You Can Only Post a Post. Blogger app Was lastly Updated on Google Play on December 2, 2014
Some Features of Apps are:-
*Compose a post that you can save to draft or immediately publish
* Edit existing posts
* View list of your saved and published posts
* Switch account/blog if you have more than one
* Embed an image from the gallery, or, by taking a picture directly from the app
* Add labels to your posts
* Add location information
With the Blogger app for Android, you can quickly and easily publish posts to your blog wherever you are.

That`s it. There is No Stats Option, Blogger Settings, Nothing at All. If there are Some Improvements in Blogger Mobile App then that Will Be the Awesome for Bloggers.

 Hope !

All Of the Bloggers might be expecting more than Me. If I Missed Something then Please Do Comment Below and Give feedback to Us.


  1. Its a good post buddy. And yeah I too expect the same from blogger, google actually. Hope Google will get to know about our requests.

    1. Ya! Naman Bro. You are Right .There Should Be Some Updates Over Blogger PlatForm


  2. Well written and nice expectations with blogger platform man. Nice .
    Have a nice day bro.

    1. Thanks Vashistha Bro. Keep Visiting and Commenting on Our Posts. Hope to See You Soon On next Post and Share Our Post Too..

      and Sure i Will Have Nice Day :)


  3. Thanks for the post. I just want responsive blogger and author options as wordpress have. By the way, nice post. :) Keep writing.


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