Choosing Best Template for your Blog

Blogger Templates are  Useful for Optimizing Your Blog Design and Speed Too. Templates create User-Friendly Blog that is Easy for Visitors. Mostly every Blog has installed Templates for their Blog. That`s Pretty Good.

But,i have seen Many Blogs using default templates. It`s Good. I not saying It`s Bad. Obviously it is way faster that Custom Template Loads. However, many bloggers are unaware about Choosing right templates. They Choose Templates but think about Only One Topic like Just SEO, There is no Responsiveness in that website. It might create Questions Like
  • Where is the care For Mobile Visitors ?
  • How will they Be able to Surf Your Blog from Mobile Phones?
 So, Today I am going to discuss something on Choosing Best Templates For Your Blog. Bloggers must choose templates that suits their blog. It is Just Like Choosing Best and Perfect Clothes For You.

Below are Some Topics To Be Considered Before Choosing The Template. I am just typing some recommended points for Templates. Every Below Topics is not Required at once as it lowers page Speed.

  1. SEO
  2. Design
  3. Template Size
  4. Responsiveness
  5. Mobile Friendly


While Installing  Template, You should take Care about Whether the Template is SEO friendly or Not. For This, You can Search Templates Under Category "SEO". Make Sure to check there are Meta Tags for Keywords and Description or Not. If Not then it`s Not SEO Friendly. Simply, Don`t install it On your Blog

Must Read: Increase Your Blog Traffic: Learn SEO


Mostly, Visitors focus on how Blog Looks. Bloggers should make Sure their Blog Design is Liked By Visitors Or Not. Add Contact or Feedback Button for Getting Some Recommendation on Design.
I Recommend you to give a Focus on Below Points.
  • Create Drop Down Navigation Bar with Responsiveness
  • Make Sure to Have Sidebar for Widget mostly on Right Side.
  • Footer Is Mostly Important to Add Some About Content on Blog like "Follow", Labels, Search, About Me or About Blog

Template Size

Even Template Size matters for your blog speed. More Template Size is inversely proportional to your Blog faster loading speed and Vice Versa. Make Sure to Download template having less Size. You can Minify HTML/JS/CSS and upload Less Sized Image for Faster Speed.
For This Goto below Link and Enter Your Blog URL
after Doing the above things, Scroll Below. You, Will, Find Some Texts Like
Download optimized image, JavaScript, and CSS resources for this page.

Click over the link and You will get all things for Your Blog Minified with Less Size and Upload it Manually


The most precious thing for your blog is a responsive design. What actually it does is that It makes your Blog design so Perfect that it can be viewed perfectly on any Size and on any Device. If your Blog isn`t responsive, visitors having Small screen on their PC might feel Problem on viewing Content. Just Make Sure to Have Responsive Design Now !!

Mobile Friendly

Nowadays, people are using Smartphones more than they use a PC. They visit websites from their phones. then what`s the point of Making Blog for PC Only. There is One Default Mobile Friendly Template on your Blog. You can Choose mobile Friendly as Custom Too. For That, You have to Know more about creating Mobile Friendly Site which is Way difficult. So, I recommend you to use the Default Template for Mobile Friendly Blog. Templates Also do have  Codes Installed to make Blog Friendly. If You want Mobile Friendly Template Installed as You get On PC.Just Check it Below.

Goto Template Options and Click Gear Box Icon at Mobile Section and disable custom theme

If You Have any Topics to Be Considered Just Comment Below... 

1 comment:

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